Top programming practicals in python

Top programming practicals for practice in python from beginner to advanced level.

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Basic to Advance Python Programs

1.Python Program to Add Two Numbers
2.Print Numbers from 1 to 100 in Python
3.Sum of natural numbers in Python
4.Sum of even numbers in python
5.Python Program to Print Even Numbers from 1 to 100
6.Print Odd Numbers from 1 to 100 in Python
7.How to Remove Punctuations From a String in Python
8.Create a Simple Calculator in Python
9.Python Program to Display the Multiplication Table
10.Python Program to Display Calendar
11.How to Check if a List is Empty in Python
12.Python Program to Check Even or Odd Number
13.Python Program to Sort Words in Alphabetic Order
14.How to Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit in Python
15.Write a python program to sort a list without using the sort function.
16.Python Program to Find Numbers Divisible by Another Number
17.How to Convert Decimal to Binary in Python
18.How to Convert Decimal to Octal in Python
19.How to Convert Decimal to Hexadecimal in Python
20.How to Convert List to String in Python
21.Write a python program to check for vowels or consonants.
22.Write a python program to filter odd and even numbers from the list.
23.How to find duplicates from a list in Python
24.Python Program to Count the Number of Each Vowel
25.How to Reverse a Number in Python
26.How to Reverse a List in Python Using for loop
27.Leap Year Program in Python
28.Power Set Program in Python
29.Solution of Two Sum Problem in Python
30.Calculate Frequency of a Characters in Python
31.Python program to find Factorial of N numbers (Using for-loop, while-loop, function, and recursion)
32.Sum of Digits of a number in python
33.Write a python program to check for Armstrong Numbers
34.Python Program to remove duplicates from the List
35.Python Program to Swap Two Numbers
36.Python Program to Find ASCII Value of a Character
37.Python Program to Replace all Vowels with given Character
38.Python Program to Find Power of a number without using pow function
39.Write a python program to check a perfect number.
40.Python Program to Shuffle Deck of Cards
41.Write a python program to print prime numbers from 1 to 100.
42.python program to print Fibonacci numbers
43.How to Check if Two Python Strings are Anagrams

Mathematical Programs in Python

1.Python Program to Calculate Area of Rectangle
2.How to Calculate a Percentage in Python
3.How to Find Square Root in Python
4.Find the Area of a Triangle In Python
5.Write a Program to Calculate Area of Circle in Python
6.Python Program to Convert Kilometers to Miles
7.Find Factors of a Number in Python
8.Find the Area of square in Python
9.How to Find GCD of Two Numbers in Python
10.How to Check if a Number is a Perfect Square in Python
11.Simple Interest Program in Python

Matrix Programs in Python

1.Python Program to Add Two Matrices taking Input from User
2.Subtraction of Two Matrix in python with User input
3.Matrix multiplication in Python with user input
4.Transpose of a Matrix in Python with user input
5.Rotate a Matrix by 90 Degrees in python with User input

Recursion Programs in Python

1.Reverse a String Using Recursion in Python
2.How to Reverse a list using recursion in Python
3.Palindrome in Python using recursion
4.Write a python program for Fibonacci Series using the recursion
5.Factorial of N number in python using recursion

Pattern Programs in Python

1.Python Program to Print Hollow Square Pattern
2.Left triangle pattern
3.Right triangle pattern
4.Pyramid shape pattern
5.Inverted Pyramid shape pattern
6.Diamond shape pattern
7.Pascals shape pattern
8.Hourglass pattern
9.butterfly pattern
10.Floyd’s Triangle in Python
11.Triangle Patterns in Python Using Single For Loop

Python NumPy Programs

1.How to Convert Numpy Array to List
2.How to Find Inverse of a Matrix Using Numpy

Searching Programs in Python

1.Linear Search in Python (with Source code)
2.Python Program for Binary Search

Python Programs for Image Processing

1.Find the Size (Resolution) of an Image Using Python

Python Turtle Designs

1.Top 5 Awesome Python Turtle Graphics
2.Draw Iron man Helmet Using Python Turtle

Python Projects for Beginners

1.Number guessing game in python
2.Python program to make simple calculator
3.Create simple hangman game in python
4.Create a simple quiz game program in python with score
5.Simple Python Game: Rock, Paper, Scissors
6.Calculate Electricity Bill in Python
7.Remove Background From Images in Python
8.Calculate Age from Date of Birth in Python
9.How to Convert JPG to PNG in Python
10.Password Generator in Python with User Input
11.How to Convert Text to Speech in Python