In this post, we will write a Python program to calculate electricity bill by taking input from the user and also we will write this program by using a user-defined function. But Before we begin, we should know about electric charges and their rates.

Electricity Charges and their rates:

  • 1 to 100 units – 1.5Rs
  • 101 to 200 units – 2.5Rs
  • 201 to 300 units – 4Rs
  • 300 to 350 units – 5Rs
  • Above 350 – Fixed charge 1500Rs

Now we know electricity charges and their rates, So now let’s start writing our program.

Calculate Electricity Bill in Python
Calculate Electricity Bill in Python

Calculate Electricity Bill in Python by Taking Input from the User

Few programming concepts you have to know before writing this program:

  1. How to take input from the user
  2. Arithmetic Operator
  3. if-else &
  4. if-elif-else in python

Source Code

# 1 to 100 units - 1.5Rs
# 101 to 200 units - 2.5Rs
# 201 to 300 units - 4Rs
# 300 to 350 units - 5Rs
# Above 350 - Fixed charge 1500Rs

units = float(input("Enter the Unit Consumed: "))

if units > 0 and units <= 100:
    payment = units * 1.5
    fixedCharge = 25 # Extra charge
elif units > 100 and units <= 200:
    payment = (100 * 1.5) + (units - 100) * 2.5
    fixedCharge = 50 # Extra charge
elif units > 200 and units <= 300:
    payment =  (100 * 1.5) + (200 - 100) * 2.5 + (units - 200) * 4
    fixedCharge = 75 # Extra charge
elif units > 300 and units <= 350:
    payment = (100 * 1.5) + (200 - 100) * 2.5 + (300 - 200) * 4 + (units - 300) * 5   
    fixedCharge = 100 # Extra charge
    payment = 0
    fixedCharge = 1500

total = payment + fixedCharge

print(f"Your Electricity Bill amount is {total:.2f}")


Enter the Unit Consumed: 275
Your Electricity Bill amount is 775.00


Enter the Unit Consumed: 100
Your Electricity Bill amount is 175.00

Calculate Electricity Bill in Python Using Function

Few programming concepts you have to know before writing this program

  1. How to take input from the user
  2. Arithmetic Operator
  3. if-else &
  4. if-elif-else in python
  5. Python functions

Source Code

#function defination
def ElectricBillCal(units):
    if units > 0 and units <= 100:
        payment = units * 1.5
        fixedCharge = 25 # Extra charge
    elif units > 100 and units <= 200:
        payment = (100 * 1.5) + (units - 100) * 2.5
        fixedCharge = 50 # Extra charge
    elif units > 200 and units <= 300:
        payment =  (100 * 1.5) + (200 - 100) * 2.5 + (units - 200) * 4
        fixedCharge = 75 # Extra charge
    elif units > 300 and units <= 350:
        payment = (100 * 1.5) + (200 - 100) * 2.5 + (300 - 200) * 4 + (units - 300) * 5   
        fixedCharge = 100 # Extra charge
        payment = 0
        fixedCharge = 1500
    return payment + fixedCharge

u = float(input("Enter the Unit that you will Consumed: "))
totalBill = ElectricBillCal(u) # call a function

print(f"Your electricity bill: {totalBill:.2f}")


Enter the Unit that you will Consumed: 201
Your electricity bill: 479.00


Enter the Unit that you will Consumed: 400
Your electricity bill: 1500.00

Hi, I'm Yagyavendra Tiwari, a computer engineer with a strong passion for programming. I'm excited to share my programming knowledge with everyone here and help educate others in this field.

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