In this post, you will learn a Python Program to Find the Power of a number without using the pow function with a simple explanation.

There are various ways to find the power of a number without using the pow() function but here we learn the three best ways to do it.

  1. Using Arithmetic Operator
  2. Using for-loop &
  3. Using Function (User-defined Function)

So let us start writing programs using all three ways one by one.

Using Arithmetic Operator

Before writing a program you should know about:

  1. Arithmetic Operators { Exponential (**) }

Source code

base = int(input('ENter base value: '))
exponent = int(input('ENter exponent value: '))

ans = base**exponent

print(f'Answer is : {ans}')


ENter base value: 3
ENter exponent value: 2
Answer is : 9

Using for-loop

Before writing a program you should know about:

  1. for-loop

Source Code

base = int(input('ENter base value: '))
exponent = int(input('ENter exponent value: '))

ans = 1
for i in range(exponent):
    ans *=  base

print(f'Answer is : {ans}')


ENter base value: 3
ENter exponent value: 4
Answer is : 81

Using Function

This is a new way to do this program and it also helps you to understand the concepts of Python Functions.

Before writing a program few programming concepts you have to know:

  1. Python Function &
  2. you are familiar with the concept of Function return a function.
  3. Arithmetic Operators { Exponential (**) }

Source Code

def to_power(x):
    def num(n):
        return n**x
    return num

base = int(input('ENter base value: '))
exponent = int(input('ENter exponent value: '))

result = to_power(exponent)

print(f'Answer is : {result(base)}')


ENter base value: 16
ENter exponent value: 2
Answer is : 256

Instead of Using a concept of function return function, you can directly write:

def to_power(n,x):
    return n**x


Output: 8


Hi, I'm Yagyavendra Tiwari, a computer engineer with a strong passion for programming. I'm excited to share my programming knowledge with everyone here and help educate others in this field.

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