In this post, we will write a Python program to find numbers divisible by another number with detailed explanation and example.

Finding numbers divisible by another number is a simple Python program generally asked in school and college practicals. There are two different ways we can write this program.

  1. Using for-loop and conditional statements
  2. Using filter function

Let’s see both the ways along with its algorithms.

Using For-loop and Conditional Statements

Our problem statement is as follows: Suppose you have a list of numbers, and you want to check if each number in the list is divisible by a given number or not.

We make our program dynamic by taking a list of numbers from the user, as well as the number we wish to check for divisibility.

Now let’s check the steps or algorithm for this program.


  1. Ask the User to input the size of the list (len_list).
  2. Take a list of numbers from the user (num_list).
  3. Also take user input of number we wish to check for divisibility (num).
  4. Create an empty list (result) to store the number which is divisible by num.
  5. Using for-loop iterate through the num_list.
    (for i in num_list:)
  6. Inside the for-loop check if i % num == 0 then append i in the result list.
  7. print the result list.

Source Code

len_list = int(input("Enter size of the list: "))
num_list = [int(input(f"Enter {i+1} element: ")) for i in range(len_list)]
num = int(input("Enter a number we wish to check for divisibility: "))

result = []

for i in num_list:
    if i % num == 0:

print(f"Numbers divisible by {num} are: {result}")


Enter size of the list: 5
Enter 1 element: 7
Enter 2 element: 45
Enter 3 element: 14
Enter 4 element: 10
Enter 5 element: 49
Enter a number we wish to check for divisibility: 7
Numbers divisible by 7 are: [7, 14, 49]

Using Filter Function

We will also write the above program using the filter function. Let’s first discuss the algorithm and then jump into the programming part.


The first three steps are exactly the same as the algorithms mentioned above. After these three steps, follow the instructions below:

  1. Using filter function do this and store it in variable called result:
    result = list(filter(lambda i: i % num == 0, num_list))
  2. At the end print the result.

Source Code

len_list = int(input("Enter size of the list: "))
num_list = [int(input(f"Enter {i+1} element: ")) for i in range(len_list)]
num = int(input("Enter a number we wish to check for divisibility: "))

result = list(filter(lambda i: i % num == 0, num_list))

print(f"Numbers divisible by {num} are: {result}")


Enter size of the list: 5
Enter 1 element: 89
Enter 2 element: 26
Enter 3 element: 15
Enter 4 element: 13
Enter 5 element: 39
Enter a number we wish to check for divisibility: 13
Numbers divisible by 13 are: [26, 13, 39]

This is all about how we write a Python program to find numbers divisible by another number. I hope this post adds some value to your life. Thank you for reading, and I’ll see you in the next post.


Hi, I'm Yagyavendra Tiwari, a computer engineer with a strong passion for programming. I'm excited to share my programming knowledge with everyone here and help educate others in this field.

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