learn Python list in detail with very basic explanations and examples.
The list is one type of built-in data structure in python which is used to store a collection of items.
Write comma-separated values inside a square bracket to create a list in python or you can use the list() function to create a list in python.
you can store anything in a list (int, float, string, boolean, tuples, list, dictionary, etc..,)
You can access any values inside the list using indexing in python.
There are three methods used to add data to the list and they are.
append() method is used to add data at the end of the list.
insert() method is used to add data at a specific index in the list.
extend method is used to add the whole data of the list into another list.
there are two methods and one operator (keyword) use to delete data from the list and they are.
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